We plan, we plot, we execute... but we still can't control what human beings do. However, at Multi Image Group, we do try to anticipate every other element that is within our control - elements you may have never even thought of.

DealerSocket's 2014 User Summit
The stage is set, everyone is in position, and anticipation of the opening sequence reaches its climax. The lights go down and all the pre-production culminates on the bigger-than-life screen. The audience is set back in their seats with stunning visuals inviting them into the experience that have been meticulously planned, and now both executed and realized. The stage lighting comes up as the speaker is announced followed by a stinger. On stage left, dressed in ‘show blacks’, the stage manager assures the first speaker he will be great while showing him to his entrance on cue. The music fades as he nervously walks on stage for the first time and is washed in the brilliant lights. He sheepishly puts the handheld microphone to his face like a telephone and asks in an unintelligible voice “is this on?”
We plan, we plot, we execute . . . but we still can’t control what human beings do. However, at Multi Image Group, we do try to anticipate every other element that is within our control – elements you may have never even thought of.
“We wholeheartedly live by our careers to conscientiously and politely work with all of our clients to avoid the unforeseen and plan through problems that we know could arise by second nature.”Lance Hall, Technical Director, MIG
First we will focus on what may be the most basic of things like the dimensions of the room. Can we just go off of the dimensions on a venue’s website? We know from experience that we can’t count on information that isn’t vetted. After years of successful programs at venues both across the nation and worldwide, we have amassed a very useful database of venue information to help prevent the set shop barber from having to do a “trim” on site. Now the ceiling height is accounted for but what about the arrangement of the wonderfully elegant chandeliers in the room? Some of these are a marvel of architecture and design; others are as if King Solomon’s mine erupted a glass menagerie in a perfectly designed effort to prevent any kind of viable sight line to hold even the most modest of productions. After you have designed around cut-glass clouds and an imposing ceiling, we can show our clients the very best way to arrange the seating so that it doesn’t turn into a corporate mosh pit when attendees need to go off to their afternoon activities.

Chanel National Sales Meeting 2014
We have several different departments putting efforts into what eventually becomes the finished product. These situations only begin to paint a picture of the attention to detail that is required as a production professional. We wholeheartedly live by our careers to conscientiously and politely work with all of our clients to avoid the unforeseen and plan through problems that we know could arise by second nature. The knowledge and execution required to create the experience only comes from the time-honored tradition of earning your shot through years of trial and error. There isn’t a "production U” in any town USA. So it is with patience of personality and grace, that MIG works side by side creating a valued history together and with our clients. We will always provide a platform for success through our shared experience and even rebuild that platform if need be – even if you don’t know how to use or hold a microphone, we’ll have your back on that too.