March 27, 2024

Volvo Trucks Uptime Event

Volvo Trucks Uptime Corporate Event & Exhibit Hall

UPTIME is the aftermarket event for Volvo Trucks, bringing automotive dealers and parts & service managers together to discuss the path forward. How do we best support the customer in the end? That’s why we are here.

The team at MIG was excited to take on a project of this massive scale following the pandemic. Not only was the event flow and layout key, but the client also asked us to approach the event itself as “a brand” so it was clear to us that the event branding needed to be cohesive throughout each and every touchpoint across the venue, main stage, graphics/animations, presentations, signage and across all 100 exhibits.

MIG supplied everything other than the products and parts. We began this project in 2 years prior to event date stemming from creative conception with one of MIG's Creative Directors, Angel Resto. He took charge of dreaming up the look of the project that would drive all graphical decisions in both the General Session and Expo Hall- an arrow. With Angel's vision, we worked on this project from 2020, through the pandemic, extending into 2022 when it was finally safe for attendees to see what we’ve been cooking for 2 years!

One of the biggest challenges was solely the actual scope of the project. We managed everything. To all booths and the general session, we owned all concepts to execution. Because MIG has both the space and manpower to accommodate the large ask, we were able to not only begin this project in 2020, but hold it on pause for a year while the world battled the pandemic. With our warehouse and in-house digital lab, we held hundreds of booth infrastructure, printed signage, and Volvo product waiting to kick work back off in 2021 to hold the event in 2022. 

“We have over 100 vendors here, exhibiting their product lines, making connections, and relationship building. It's so hard to imagine anything better. I don't know who I would go to other than MIG. I mean, really and truly don’t.”  
Volvo Corporate Events & Production Team
VolvoTrucksUptime Corporate Events Exhibit Booth